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Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery Links

In keeping with our commitment to patient awareness and education on plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, the following links provide timely and authoritative information. Grouped by category for easy reference, learning about plastic surgery procedures and techniques is time well-spent in preparation for surgery.


Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons
From the foremost authority in the field, an in-depth look at the entire discipline of plastic and cosmetic surgery and procedures.

Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Timely information and articles on plastic surgery from one of the leading professional organizations.

Breast Implant Information

NATRELLE® breast implants which includes over 100 different saline-filled breast implants and more than 140 different variations of the gel-filled breast implant, are among the most studied medical devices in existence with more than 3,000 peer-reviewed and published studies, including 30 published epidemiological studies supporting their safe use. The safety of Allergan's NATRELLE® breast implants is supported by the company's extensive pre-clinical device testing, the use of breast implants in millions of women worldwide over the past 25 years, and nearly a decade of U.S. clinical studies involving more than 150,000 women with either gel- or saline-filled breast implants who have been followed for a total of over 214,000 person-years. Complete safety information about NATRELLE® Collection can be found at

Breast Implant Safety

FDA Breast Implant Consumer Handbook
A comprehensive look at breast implants and procedures. Includes detailed information on all types of implants, safety issues, important questions to ask your surgeon, and suggestions on making the right decision about breast implant surgery.

National Cancer Institute Breast Implant Study
An objective study on the long-term effects of breast implants that concludes that there is no correlation between breast implant surgery and cancer. Also includes key facts regarding the history of breast implant surgery.

Institute of Medicine Report on the Safety of Silicone Implants

Pink Women